Cook County Board of Review – Opens one month early for 2019 appeals
Due to the unprecedented volume of appeals expected from Assessor Kaegi’s valuations, Commissioners Patlak, Rogers and Cabonargi, hosted a rather boisterous group of property tax attorneys on June 24, 2019. The three board members, all in attendance, emphasized that they will continue their historical approaches to determining value and reliance on the evidence historically used to value properties. Kindly, the Commissioners emphasized that the attendees should respect the process, with an understanding that the Assessor’s office takes a macro view of assessment, using a mass appraisal process, contrasting that approach with the Board of Review’s micro view of assessments, considering specific evidence based upon individual properties. Finally, the Board announced that the first group of townships to open for appeal include: Berwyn, Norwood Park, Oak Park, River Forest, Riverside, Rogers Park and Evanston. Anyone wishing to appeal properties located in the aforementioned townships must file an appeal on or before July 30, 2019.